Friday, April 30, 2010

Putting Together an Exhibit from Stray Pieces, Part IV: In the Home Stretch

The fabric enclosures arrived and we fit them to the wall and football shapes. They look like the concepts.

The concept is by the Taylor Group Dallas. The client wanted something to transform the basic Skyline Inliten truss. This accomplishes that.

FSD in Denver took the design and made it into the stretchy fabric pieces. The image design is by Zachry Associates in North Texas.

Working all these elements together takes patience and planning.

Next stop: New Orleans and the NACStech Show, booth 659. The next challenge is assembling this all in one day.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Putting Together an Exhibit from Stray Pieces, Part III

We have the basic structure and a plan. Now we need to wrap the pieces up so they look good.

One of the challenges is the design of the graphic panels and how they interact with the hardware they have to fit around. The design of the graphic features some photos and a brand-driven colorful design element. A catch phrase has also found its way into the design.

We engaged FSD in Denver to produce the fabric graphics and Zachry Associates of North Texas to do the design. Careful measurement and coordination is key, along with buy-in from the client on brand direction. The interim sheathing of the booth structure was done electronically to simulate what the finished product would look like.

The next step will be to marry the finished graphic to the frame before it is packed and shipped to show site. Given that we have only one work day to assemble this exhibit and install the technical demos, we know we have to stage all the pieces and parts correctly before they arrive on show site.

One of the critical challenges was fitting the monitors for the demos onto the structure so that they didn't obviously interfere with the graphic design.

Tune in next week as this "loaves and fishes" exercise continues.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Putting Together an Exhibit from Stray Pieces, Part II

This past week I spent an afternoon at my client's exhibit house with them and the exhibit house rep. We're making progress on our "portfolio" exhibit.

We lined up the parts and pieces and got out the tape measure and sketch pad. We paced off the 20x30 space and helped the client visualize the scale and scope of what they will see in New Orleans at the NACStech Show (

Voila! A plan and options emerged from the discussion. The parts and pieces are starting to look like an exhibit. It is a bit of a game of "loaves and fishes" but, if done carefully and with a strategy, it can work. Saving money is one thing, but looking the part is another. You need to do both.

We started with previously used Skyline Inliten components. The truss was assembled into "football" shapes to give the exhibit mass and workstation locations. The structures will be wrapped in graphic fabric "socks" not unlike a Moss-type hanging sign or other fabric-over-frame graphics.

Add in some previously used cabinets with new tops and there is surface for demos and lockable storage. In this configuration you could have two cabinets per side of the major structure, or as many as 4 per unit. We are choosing to use two "football" shapes, with one cabinet station per side. Monitors will hang above the cabinets using the stock Skyline monitor bracket, possibly modified to hold multiple monitors.

An Inliten "wall" becomes a surround for a conference area. This surface gives us both privacy and another "canvas" for messaging and brand. While it isn't completely private, it shields the meeting space from the aisle.

A rental carpet will be underfoot and a reskinned hanging sign frame with hang above the booth.

Next step: graphic design.