Tuesday, March 11, 2008

At the Exhibitor's Show, Day 2: Branding

The morning's first class was growing your brand and incorporating it into your exhibit program. Scott Leech of Brandspeak of Minneapolis (www.brandspeak.com) was the presenter.

This popular (193 of 200 seats in the meeting room) seminar was clear and to the point, however, Scott did have to spend more time setting up brand to the room before sending the discussion off into how it relates to exhibitry. Rally everything around the brand and using exhibit marketing as a brand-building experience were the key messages. His examples (Pella, Qwest, Ultradent) showed this clearly. It also, by extension, showed that his exhibit-building partners understood how the integration of brand into exhibitry and how exhibits fit into the who of the brand program works.

Of note: staff training is as important (if not more) than the structure, graphics and other preparations.

Lesson Learned: Everything you spend money on should speak to your brand.


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