Wednesday, March 12, 2008

At the Exhibitor's Show, Day 3: Integrated Marketing Communications

Katharine Chestnut, you came along at the right time of day.

I was tired, in need of sugar or caffeine. Or sleep. And there you were, talking about integrated marketing communications as if you were describing your garden. Cool. You do have a garden, don't you?

Really, this was a refreshing session. Yes, it is labeled a beginner's session and is required for certification, but it was entertaining and fun to listen to. Ms Chestnut's relaxed style helped those things like budget definition, matching objectives and choosing tactics stick. I wish she'd been one of my professors back then.....

Seriously, KC laid it out in nine steps:
  1. Define show objectives
  2. Match show objectives to the right marketing program
  3. Recognize your target audience
  4. Identify budget requirements
  5. Set measurement benchmarks
  6. Using pre-show tactics
  7. On-site tactics
  8. Post-show tactics
  9. Analyzing your results
Are we sensing a theme here?

I didn't need to take many notes on this one--the handout was great and my retention with Ms C's style was at the top. More cool stuff.

Lesson learned: all that you do in a program (or surrounding a show) needs to sing together and can (and should) be planned.


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