Friday, March 14, 2008

At the Exhibitor's Show, Day 5: How to Measure the Value of Trade Show Participation

Remember what I said a few posts back about a "professorial" presenter being the only one? I was mistaken. Ed Jones was by far the most academic guy I'd encountered at this event. But justifiably so: he earned a BFA and then was educated as a finance person, majoring in statistics.

Ed's presentation centered around measurement as had others at this conference. The difference was Ed layered over statistical justification and facts to give them method statistical credibility. Ok......

I did like his Thinking in Threes approach (wouldn't you guess). Early on he outlined these three reasons to measure:
1. Justify
2. Improve
3. Grow

They are not just reasons, they are a process. I could have stopped right there. While his statistically analysis was credible and important, it seemed a bit of overkill and far too complicated. I'm a keep-it-simple kinda guy, so don't weigh me down with too much stuff to make your point.

His payback ratio was a good thing, but could it simplified? I'll have to re-read.

One of his best lines: he lives in "the Estrogen Ocean" as just about everyone (wife, daughters, employees, colleagues) are women. He used this line to illustrate a point about product (Leggs panty hose) value implied.

Lesson learned: measurement should be statistically valid but credible and understandable.


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